Unke Dar Pe Pahunchne To Paaye

Sung by: Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan Qawwal & Party

उनके दर पे पहुँचने तो पायें, ये न पूछो की हम क्या करेंगे
सर झुकाना अगर जुर्म होगा, हम निगाहों से सजदा करेंगे

March 1948,

Rustom Kaka Hathidaru operated the movie projector in Sarosh Cinema, and had been in Meher Baba’s contact since 1925. His wife, Silla Kaku, had likewise been in the Master’s orbit since her childhood, and their home was always filled with talk about Baba.

The assistant projectionist was a Christian named Bhasker Rao Pawar. Rustom Kaka would speak to him about Baba, but the man had no faith in such personalities. Rustom Kaka told him, “If you would only go and see Meher Baba once, you would know what I am saying is true.”

“What will I find?” Pawar asked.

“I never bow my head at any man’s feet,” replied Rustom Kaka, “and I do not know why, but I never hesitate to bow at Meher Baba’s feet.”

Pawar was unconvinced. “This is against my religion. I never bow to anyone no matter who it is! Meher Baba is committing the gravest sin by allowing people to bow down to him. God will surely punish him!”

One morning Baba brought the women to the cinema. According to his standing order, no one was to be present at the time. Pawar was in the projection booth but came out for some purpose. Baba was speaking with Sarosh near the gate.

The instant Pawar saw Baba, he fell at his feet! Baba helped him up and dictated, “These days I permit no one to touch my feet. You have done it out of love, but it has disturbed my work. Now I will touch your feet and you will have to share with me in the sin.” Baba put his head on Pawar’s feet and Pawar felt deeply moved.

Later in the day, Rustom Kaka asked him, “Why did you touch Meher Baba’s feet? You said it was against your religion.”

“Don’t ask me why; I don’t know. No one can control the heart’s outburst!” Pawar confessed.

Lord Meher, page 2632

Baba listening to Rustom Kaka Hathidaru singing

ख़िज़ाँ के दौर में अहद-ए-बहार लेता हूँ
कोई भी वक़्त हो हँस कर गुज़ार लेता हूँ
गुलों से रंग सितारों से रौशनी लेकर
जमाल-ए-यार का नक्शा उतार लेता हूँ

Khiza (ख़िज़ाँ) – autumn, पतझड़, old age,
ahad (अहद) – season, time, promise, One.
bahaar (बहार) – बसंत ऋतु, springtime,आनंद
jamaal – beauty, elegance, comeliness

मैं फ़साने तलाश करता हूँ
आप उन्वान ढूंढ कर लाये
आओ बादा-कशो की बस्ती से
चंद इंसान ढूंढ कर लाये

fasane – love story, romance
unwaan – title, heading
baada-kash – drinker

ये जो दीवाने से दो-चार नज़र आते हैं
इन में कुछ साहिब-ए-असरार नज़र आते हैं
तेरी महफ़िल का भरम रखते हैं सो जाते हैं
वर्ना ये लोग तो बेदार नज़र आते हैं

साहिब-ए-असरार – Master of secrets(heart,mystery,मर्म)
बेदार – awake
भरम – esteem, सम्मान

Sleep of Perfect Master and Avatar:

मेरे दामन में तो काँटो के सिवा कुछ भी नहीं
आप फूलों के ख़रीदार नज़र आते हैं
कल जिन्हें छू नहीं सकती थी फ़रिश्तों की नज़र
आज वो रौनक़-ए-बाज़ार नज़र आते हैं

हश्र में कौन गवाही मेरी देगा ‘साग़र’
सब तुम्हारे ही तरफ़-दार नज़र आते हैं

रौनक़-ए-बाज़ार – liveliness(light, चमक) of markets
हश्र – अंत, प्रलय
तरफ़-दार – समर्थक

The moon stays bright when it doesn’t avoid the night.
A rose’s rarest essence lives in the thorn.
– Rumi

For many roses have blossomed here in this garden,
But no one has plucked the rose without the stab of a thorn.
– Hafiz

आज रूठे हुये साजन को बहुत याद किया
अपने उजड़े हुये गुलशन को बहुत याद किया
जब कभी गर्दिश-ए-तक़दीर ने घेरा है हमें
गेसु-ए-यार की उलझन को बहुत याद किया

आज टूटे हुये सपनों की बहुत याद आई
आज बीते हुये सावन को बहुत याद किया
शमा की जोत पे जलते हुए परवानो ने
एक तेरे शोला-ए-दामन को बहुत याद क्या

saajan – sweetheart, beloved
gulshan – Rose garden, flower garden
gardish – misfortunes, revolution, wandering about

ऐ दिल-ए-बे-क़रार चुप हो जा, जा चुकी है बहार चुप हो जा
अब न आएँगे रूठने वाले, दीदा-ए-अश्क-बार चुप हो जा

छूट जाती है फूल से ख़ुश्बू , रूठ जाते हैं यार चुप हो जा
हम फ़क़ीरों का इस ज़माने में, कौन है ग़म-गुसार चुप हो जा

गीत की ज़र्ब से भी ऐ ‘साग़र’, टूट जाते हैं तार चुप हो जा

Deeda-e-ashkbaar – tearful eye
gam-gusaar – हमदर्द, a comforter
zarb – blow, striking

यूँ बज़्म-ए-ज़िन्दगी में उजाला करेंगे हम
तुम को बिठा के सामने सजदा करेंगे हम

bazm – assembly, meeting, सभा, महफ़िल
sajdaa – सर झुकाना, bowing in prayer

( 8 )
उनके दर पे पहुँचने तो पायें, ये न पूछो की हम क्या करेंगे
सर झुकाना अगर जुर्म होगा, हम निगाहों से सजदा करेंगे

बात भी तेरी रखनी है साकी, ज़र्फ़ को भी न रुसवा करेंगे
जाम दे या न दे आज हमको, मयकदे में सवेरा करेंगे

zarf – goblets, पात्र
ruswa – dishonoured

इस तरफ अपना दामन जलेगा,उस तरफ उनकी महफ़िल सजेगी
हम अँधेरे को घर में बुलाकर,उनके घर में उजाला करेंगे

हम न छोड़ेंगे दामन वफ़ा का, वो जफा पर भरोसा करेंगे
हम तड़प के भी हस्ते रहेंगे, वो सुकून पाके तड़पा करेंगे

jafa – अत्याचार, oppression, tyranny of beloved

हम को झूठी तसल्ली न दीजे, गम में और इजाफा न कीजे
जिससे आँखों में आ जाए आँसू , वो ख़ुशी लेके हम क्या करेंगे

बाद तर्क-ए-तआल्लुक भी अनवर, इतना एहसास-ए-रस्मे-वफ़ा है
आखिरी सांस तक भी हम उनसे, बेरुखी का न शिकवा करेंगे


दोस्तों की शिकायत करूँ मैं, ये भी मुझ को गवारा नहीं है

लोग काँटों से बच के चलते हैं, हमने फूलों से ज़ख्म खाए हैं
तुम तो गैरों की बात करते हो, हमने अपने भी आज़माये हैं

दोस्तों की शिकायत करूँ मैं, ये भी मुझ को गवारा नहीं है

तीरगी के घने हिजाबों में , दूर के चाँद झिलमिलाते हैं
ज़िंदगी की उदास रातों में, बेवफ़ा दोस्त याद आते हैं

दोस्तों की शिकायत करूँ मैं, ये भी मुझ को गवारा नहीं है
दोस्तों ने करम वो किये हैं, ज़िन्दगी की तमन्ना नहीं है

Gawara – bearable, acceptable, tolerable
Karam – kindness, favour, grace, generosity, कृपा, करुणा

सोच कर बेवफा मुझ को कहिये, खुल न जाए भरम आप का ही
आज़माया है दुनिया को मैंने, आप ने मुझ को परखा नहीं है

हो मुबारक तुम्हें सर झुकाना, फिर भी इतनी गुज़ारिश करूँगा
दिल झुकाना भी लाज़िम है ज़ाहिद, सर झुकाना ही सजदा नहीं है

Bewafa – disloyal
Bharam – reputation, esteem, trust, secret
Aazmaya – try, examine, test
Parkhna – to examine, judge, test

lazim – necessary, compulsory

आप होंगे वफ़ाओं के माइल, एक दिन ये हक़ीक़त है लेकिन
आप का तो भरोसा है मुझ को, ज़िन्दगी का भरोसा नहीं है

Maail – inclined, प्रवृत, attracted, आकर्षित
vafaa- fulfilling a promise, faithful

हो के बेताब मैयत पे मेरी

मैयत पे मेरी आये हैं क्या इंक़लाब है
वो बेनक़ाब हैं मेरे मुँह पर नक़ाब है
कफ़न में खुद को छुपा लिया है
के तुझ को पर्दे की हो न ज़हमत

हो के बेताब मैयत पे मेरी, तुम ये क्यों बेनक़ाब आ गए हो
उम्र भर जिस से पर्दा किया था, आज क्यों उस से परदा नहीं है

February 1960,

. . . In Bombay, one of Meher Baba’s old disciples, Pleader, had a heart attack, and Baba was informed about it through letters and telegrams. Pleader was in much pain and the Bombay devotees continued to send reports to Baba, asking what should be done. Finally, fed up with the constant flow of correspondence and telegrams, Baba asked them to bring Pleader to Meherazad, and they did so at 10:30 A.M. on 19 February 1960.

Pleader was on a stretcher and Baba asked him how he was feeling. In a feeble voice, Pleader complained to Baba, “Either fulfill your promise or stop calling yourself God!” (This referred to Baba’s telling Pleader he would be given a glimpse of the Reality of God.)

Touching Pleader’s palm with his own, in a gesture of promise, Baba assured him, “I will fulfill my promise before you drop the body; don’t worry.”

Baba kept Pleader in a separate room and Goher began treating him. Many Bombay lovers had brought Pleader by train, among them Gulabdas and (his distant relative) Ratilal Panchal, Kishore Mistry, Kharmen Masi’s sons Homi and Sarosh, and Sarosh’s wife Khorshed. (Pleader had been staying with Sarosh and Khorshed).

Baba told them, “The disease from which Pleader is suffering is due to my wish, and it is for his own good.”

Baba called Aloba to recite this verse from Hafiz:

God says that I prosper my enemies and butcher my friends!
And no one has the right to speak against it or question why it is so!

Baba added, “Every one of you must have suffered in one way or another, but after recovering, the suffering becomes a dream. Are those pains and troubles still with you? No, they have faded like a dream.

“What I accomplish by passing through ill health, no one knows. I tolerate it eternally and derive pleasure out of it. In spite of intense suffering and various pains, when pleasure is experienced, it becomes eternal bliss.”

Baba concluded by stating, “Those of my lovers who experience pain and suffering participate in my pain and suffering.”

Baba kept Homi and Shapur P. Parekh (Pleader’s cousin) in Meherazad to look after Pleader, and he sent the others back to Bombay. Baba would visit Pleader several times in the course of the day, pass his hand over his face and kiss him. At times, Pleader would call out Baba’s name.

Baba went to Wadia Park in Ahmednagar to see a Ranji trophy cricket match on 20, 21 and 22 February 1960. On the 21st, he sent word to Padri to have a grave dug for Pleader, and Baba informed him that he would be sending Pleader to stay at Meherabad from the 24th.

On the 23rd, Baba called Padri and Don to Meherazad and gave them instructions about Pleader. Sarosh (Irani) came that day; and Baba later visited Akbar Press.

The next day, 24 February, an ambulance was sent for Pleader. Before going, Pleader again requested, “Carry out your word, Baba!”

Slapping Pleader’s palm with his own, Baba promised, “Before you give up your body I will carry out my word. Go to Meherabad, where you will receive my grace. Before leaving the body you will have a glimpse of me as I truly am.”

Baba then kissed Pleader’s cheeks, his head, his forehead, his hands and passed his hand over his body in love and blessing. Pleader was then carried to the ambulance. Baba stood by and watched. “I have no pain now, Baba,” Pleader told him. “Make me sleep in Meherabad.”

Baba replied, “Very soon now I will make you sleep in me, and your physical remains will mix with the earth of Meherabad.” Pleader thanked him and the ambulance drove off for Meherabad, where Don did his utmost to give him the best possible treatment and see that he was comfortable.

. . . Meanwhile, by Baba’s order, Pleader had been kept in Pendu’s old room, next to the hall at lower Meherabad. His condition was serious. At 1:00 P.M. on Friday, 26 February 1960, he told the servant in attendance, “Put out the lantern; it is too bright in here!”

Shapur told him, “It is daytime; no light is on in here.”

But Pleader complained, “There is a brilliant light on! It is too bright!”

Shapur reminded him, “Remember what Baba said about giving you his darshan? Perhaps you are seeing his luster.”

Later Pleader stated, “I have had Baba’s darshan! He has kept his promise! Now stay near me until I breathe my last. Don’t leave the room. After I give up the body, when Baba comes here convey my deep gratitude — for I have achieved the Goal by his grace. Tell him I am eternally grateful to him.”

During his last moments, it seemed as if Pleader was enjoying infinite peace. At 6:45 P.M. he gave up his body. News was immediately sent to Meherazad and telegrams to Bombay. The next day Pleader’s brother Ardeshir, other of his relatives and a few lovers arrived in Meherabad.

On the 27th, Sarosh drove Baba to Sarosh Motor Works at 9:00 A.M., where Baba’s presence blessed Sarosh’s new office premises. Baba then sat in the DeSoto and rode to lower Meherabad, where he watched as Pleader’s body was placed in a casket and lowered into the grave Padri had kept ready, near Gustadji’s. At a signal from Baba, Kaikobad offered Zoroastrian prayers. To those who had come for the funeral from Bombay, Baba stated, “Normally, I don’t go near a dead body. But here is my special person, whom I have freed today in all senses, and he has not to come back.”

Baba asked everyone to repeat the Master’s Prayer and the Prayer of Repentance. During the prayers Baba held both arms outstretched heavenward. Afterwards, Baba was the first to scatter earth and flowers on the coffin. Pleader’s physical remains mixed with the soil of Meherabad for all time. Baba remarked to Ardeshir, “How fortunate he is that he got mukti [liberation].”

(Lord Meher, page 4633-4637)

ज़िद न कर आज दो घूँट पी ले

ऐ जाहिद आ तू शराब पी ले,
ना कर तू कुछ इज्तिनाब पी ले
मैं तेरी मानूँ नमाज पढ़ लूँ
तू मेरी मान अब शराब पी ले

ज़िद न कर आज दो घूँट पी ले, जिंदगी चार दिन के है जी ले
मोहतसिब अपनी किस्मत बना ले, मैकदा है ये काबा नहीं है

Mohtasib –
officer who supervises observance of laws and punishes offenders, हिसाब लेने वाला

ओ हुस्ने जाना अरे तौबा तौबा

कितने फ़ितने जमा किये हैं, तेरी एक जवानी ने
चाल क़यामत काफ़िर नज़रें, आँख शराबी क्या कहिये

अरे तौबा तौबा
हुस्ने जाना अरे तौबा तौबा

ज़ाहिद ने मेरा हासिल-ए-ईमान नहीं देखा
रुख पर तेरी ज़ुल्फों को परेशान नहीं देखा

अरे तौबा तौबा
हुस्ने जाना अरे तौबा तौबा

शबाब आया
किसी बुत पर फ़िदा होने का वक़्त आया
मिरी दुनिया में बंदे के ख़ुदा होने का वक़्त आया
उन्हें देखा तो ज़ाहिद ने कहा ईमान की ये है
कि अब इंसान को सज्दा रवा होने का वक़्त आया

अरे तौबा तौबा
हुस्ने जाना अरे तौबा तौबा

ओ हुस्ने जाना अरे तौबा तौबा, जब निगाहें उठी झुक गई हैं
बारहा उनको देखा है मैंने, फिर भी जी भर के देखा नहीं है

उनके दर पे पहुँचने तो पायें, ये न पूछो की हम क्या करेंगे . . .

Shabaab – youth, prime of life
बुत – idols, metaphor for Beloved
zahid – hermit, devotee, abstinent
iman – belief
sajda-rawa – allowing touching forehead on ground

Husn – beauty, elegance, comeliness
baarhaa – many times, बार-बार
tauba –
feeling or expressing humble or regretful pain or sorrow for offenses

Unke Dar Pe Pohanchne To Payen

Unke Dar Pe Pohanchne To Payen

Doston Ki Shikayat Karon Mein