Mere Rashk e Qamar

… Today I will clear up all the misunderstanding and confusion and give my decision, which will be final and irrevocable. It is said that I am envious, that I do not like to see people getting attached to saints. The fact is that I am envious, but I can only be envious of myself, for there is nothing greater or beyond me — I am above and beyond everything. India is dotted with saints — real and false — and I warn people against attaching false importance to the “experiences” they receive from such saints.

… Whenever people relate their experiences (even when such experiences are based on my personality), I emphatically discourage them and warn them not to pay attention to them.
– Meher Baba [ 10 January 1960 ]

क्या मेरी बात का यकीन नहीं
कोई भी आप सा हसीन नहीं
बे झिझक दिल में तुम चले आओ
इस मकां में कोई मकीन नहीं

आप आएं ग़रीबख़ाने पर
सच तो ये है मुझे यक़ीन नहीं
आपके रू-ए-यासमीं की क़सम
चांद भी इस क़दर हसीन नहीं

अच्छी सूरत को सँवरने की जरूरत क्या है
सादगी में भी कयामत की अदा होती हैं
तुम जो आ जाते हो मस्जिद में अदा करने नमाज
तुम को मालूम है, कितनों की कजा होती है

मेरे रश्क-ए-क़मर तू ने पहली नज़र
जब नज़र से मिलाई मज़ा आ गया
बर्क़ सी गिर गई काम ही कर गई
आग ऐसी लगाई मज़ा आ गया

मुस्कुरा कर मिलायी नज़र से नज़र
दिल पे बिजली गिरायी मजा आ गया
तेरी उठती जवानी ने ऐ दिल रुबा
जो क़यामत उठायी मजा आ गया

जाम में घोल कर हुस्न की मस्तियाँ
चाँदनी मुस्कुराई मज़ा आ गया
चाँद के साए में ऐ मेरे साक़िया
तू ने ऐसी पिलाई मज़ा आ गया

बदली है फ़ज़ा कार से बेकार हो गए
दिल को सम्भालो अपने कुछ और हो गए
तेरी उठती जवानी ने ऐ दिल रुबा
जो क़यामत उठायी मजा आ गया

मजा आ गया आ गया आ गया
तेरी उठती जवानी ने ऐ दिल रुबा
जो क़यामत उठायी मजा आ गया

हम तो काइल न थे क़यामत के
तुझको देखा इक बार दिल आ गया
तेरी उठती जवानी ने ऐ दिल रुबा
जो क़यामत उठायी मजा आ गया

सुर्ख़ बोतल से निकली शराब-ए-हसीं
बादानोशों पे छाई मज़ा आ गया
तूने जुल्फों के साये में ऐ साक़िया
आज ऐसी पिलाई मज़ा आ गया

बे-हिजाबाना वो सामने आ गए
और जवानी जवानी से टकरा गई
आँख उन की लड़ी यूँ मेरी आँख से
देख कर ये लड़ाई मज़ा आ गया

आँख में थी हया हर मुलाक़ात पर
सुर्ख़ आरिज़ हुए वस्ल की बात पर
उस ने शर्मा के मेरे सवालात पर
ऐसे गर्दन झुकाई मज़ा आ गया

नशा शीशे में अंगड़ाई लेने लगा
बज़्म-ए-रिंदाँ में साग़र खनकने लगा
मय-कदे पे बरसने लगीं मस्तियाँ
जब घटा घिर के आई मज़ा आ गया

शैख़-साहब का ईमान बिक ही गया
देख कर हुस्न-ए-साक़ी पिघल ही गया
आज से पहले ये कितने मग़रूर थे
लुट गई पारसाई मज़ा आ गया

ऐ ‘फ़ना’ शुक्र है आज बाद-ए-फ़ना
उस ने रख ली मेरे प्यार कि आबरू
अपने हाथों से उस ने मेरी क़ब्र पे
चादर-ए-गुल चढ़ाई मज़ा आ गया

January 1960,

… In 1945, due to family pressures, Eruch had married his cousin Khorshed Damania; but according to Baba’s orders, soon after the wedding, he joined Baba permanently and never lived with his wife again. As mentioned, Khorshed became involved with Mangharam Mirchandani, who claimed to be a guru. Mirchandani was the same “bogus saint” who had sent three of his followers to confront Baba at Ashiana in Bombay in 1957.

Baba forbade Khorshed from visiting Bindra House and also wished that the four Akbar Press families not get involved with this so-called guru. Correspondence between Mani, on Baba’s behalf, and Eruch’s uncle Meherjee Satha, at Akbar Press, had been going on about these matters for more than a year. Finally, after several postponements due to Baba’s recent seclusion, Baba called a meeting of the Jessawala, Kerawala, Satha and Damania families at Meherazad at 9:00 A.M., on Sunday, 10 January 1960. The meeting lasted until noon. Baba made it clear that only those who agreed to obey and abide by his decision should attend the meeting.

Of the four families, 24 members were present that day, as were Eruch, Mani and Goher. Baba asked whether each had slept well. Someone asked Baba whether he had slept, and he replied, “I sleep 24 hours, and yet at the same time I am always awake!”

Baba opened the proceedings by remarking:

Today I will clear up all the misunderstanding and confusion and give my decision, which will be final and irrevocable. It is said that I am envious, that I do not like to see people getting attached to saints. The fact is that I am envious, but I can only be envious of myself, for there is nothing greater or beyond me — I am above and beyond everything. India is dotted with saints — real and false — and I warn people against attaching false importance to the “experiences” they receive from such saints.

Khorshed is sincere when she speaks of her having experiences and they are genuine. But from my height, these experiences have no importance or value whatsoever. Whenever people relate their experiences (even when such experiences are based on my personality), I emphatically discourage them and warn them not to pay attention to them.

Eruch related the experience of Balak Bhagwan, the seventeen-year-old boy from Madhya Pradesh, who was filled with Baba’s light and presence, and saw Baba everywhere and in everything. He imagined himself to be on the fifth plane and was giving darshan and prasad to people. Baba had Eruch write a very firm reply, putting an end to such false interpretations to the experiences. Baba likened the experiences to a tamasha (roadside magic show) which dazzles for a while and distracts the pilgrim’s progress, proving more of a hindrance than a help.

Baba explained:

These “experiences” are like the trickles of water oozing from tiny chinks in a great big dam, and which I have to watch out for and constantly keep blocking up, lest they cause destruction. There are many who have various experiences, such as seeing colors, circles and lights, levitating and so forth. They attract a group around them by giving them similar experiences through a common process, which is never indulged in or dreamt of by the pilgrim who experiences the various planes of consciousness on the Path. Thus not having progressed on the Path [planes], they can bring their followers up to only their own level of experiences, and no further. Then there often follows dissension, and the group splits, forming yet another branch with its own following under a different head.

The real danger of these experiences is that it misleads the seeker into thinking that he has reached the Goal and has mastered the Path. This even applies to the experiences of the Path, which remain insignificant when compared to the one and only real experience of God-realization.

Hafiz depicts this beautifully in his verses. Hafiz says that in the beginning he was like a man who goes down to the seashore and paddles in shallow water, and in his enjoyment, thinks he has gained the Pearl. Then after a long time, Hafiz realized that he had yet to learn to swim; and when he learned how to swim, there were the many waves he had to encounter and overcome. Then he realized he had yet to learn to dive. The next step he had to master was holding his breath under water before, at long last, he could reach the bottom of the ocean for the Pearl — the Goal.

For one who is an aspirant on the Path, it is not seeing, but becoming that is the objective.

Baba then asked Eruch to say what he wished on the subject at hand, and the others were free to add their remarks and ask questions. In the end, Khorshed Jessawala chose to continue to associate herself with Mirchandani, and Baba ordered her not to write to Eruch or him, or see either of them ever again; however, he assured her of his continued love for her. Baba made it clear that from now on Khorshed would be responsible for her own actions. She was ordered to remove her things from Bindra House (where she had been staying) and to shift to Akbar Press.

19 May 1957,

… When I tell you these things and ask you not to visit other saints, perhaps some of you may think: “Is Baba feeling jealous of others?” But I, being One without a second, have no rival. I am matchless. I being the One Reality, the question of rivalry does not arise at all. If, at all, I am to be jealous, I will have to be jealous of my own Self.

When a man sees an ant moving on the ground, will he ever feel jealous of it? Both the ant and the man move on the same level on the ground, but there is a world of difference in their consciousness. For instance, the ant can never understand the intricacies of this machine age.

The ant, the ordinary man and myself move on the same earth, but there is as much difference between the consciousness of an ordinary man and that consciousness of mine as there is between the consciousness of an ant and that of an ordinary man! Even in the animal kingdom, there is vast difference between the consciousness of an ant and an elephant. Has an elephant ever purposely walked on an ant, feeling jealous of it?

One of my devotees expressed an ardent desire to see a particular mast of Bombay, while a few others appear much concerned about the claim made by someone else who asserts that he is the Avatar of the Age. This makes me curious why you, of all the persons who regard me as the Highest of the High, should run after other personalities?

Concerning this matter, Baba referred to and had read out an extract from a letter, wherein he had stated: “No one is to be blamed. It is no one’s fault. It was the original whim and the original urge of God that has started this divine game, which He can also enjoy at His own cost.” Baba continued:

I do not mean that there are no real saints in India. [He mentioned a few well-known saints.] There are some real saints unknown to the masses. Compared with the known saints, these hidden saints are far more advanced. In this respect, however, I want to tell you with authority that both the hidden and known saints have not realized the Self. Do not be misled by the use of certain words and phrases. If anyone addresses you as “Dear Self,” do not be under the impression that he has achieved the Goal of Realization.

The sum and substance of this long talk is that you either hold fast to my daaman and me only, or leave me altogether. Do not make any compromise.

April 1932,

… For some time, Minta and Kim both had wanted to be the Master’s personal attendant. This gave rise to strife between them and, though Baba had allotted separate duties to each, their jealousy did not subside. Their natures, too, seemed to be at odds: Kim’s amusing chatter was entertaining to Baba, whereas Minta would often express her love emotionally by kissing and embracing Baba.

Finally, all this inner turmoil resulted in a loud fight at the Paris railway station, and Baba had to calm them. They each wished the other would not meddle in any of Baba’s work. Finding Kim doing Baba’s personal work and herself excluded from it, Minta took it so badly she quietly went up to the third floor of the train station, determined to jump out the window! None of the persons present knew this, but the All-knowing One sent Adi Sr. to find her.

Adi reached the third story and caught her just as she was about to commit suicide. He took Minta to Baba, who pacified her and explained to her as she wept:

Spiritual jealousy leads to advancement, while material jealousy leads to ruination and hatred. Always remember: The impressions of the Beloved, whether in worldly love or divine love, have their effect on you.

If you love “A” his impressions will attach to your mind without your knowing it; and if you become jealous of someone else, the impressions of both will affect you. That is, if Kim loves me, my impressions, which are divine, will affect her; and if you are jealous of her, then my infinite impressions, plus hers of love for me, will both affect you.

Therefore, jealousy in physical love is not good, while jealousy in spiritual love is good. Where there is love, there is jealousy. One automatically follows the other; there is no need to create it.

For example: When you love me, you want to possess me all the while. If I go away from you to another place or to some other lover, you suffer.

Another important point is that those who love me suffer with me. There is no question about it. They can unload a tiny bit of my sufferings through their love. It is not that I want you to suffer, but when you love me, you do suffer, and this automatically lessens my suffering.

Peter loved Jesus very much, but every morning Jesus would kiss John, and Peter would become jealous of John.

Baba concluded, “On a mountain one day, I will explain who I am and how I created the universe. It was a different thing in India; now I will make both East and West meet.”

Minta responded, “Your load of suffering is going to be much less, as so many will love you in America.”

Baba replied, “You have no idea of my suffering, which is infinite. Now there will be no rest for me like this. It will be work — immense work — once I begin speaking.”

On the train to Lugano, Baba would cover his face and do his inner work. Kim lay practically the whole night with her head on Baba’s feet, “in a bliss which is indescribable,” she later related. They arrived in Lugano at 11:30 A.M. on Thursday, 28 April 1932 and stayed at the Grand Eden Hotel.

That evening, they went up one of the surrounding hills in a small train and admired the view of the town and lake. They had tea and hot chocolate at a lovely, small restaurant, where Baba got up and danced to music being played on a mandolin and another instrument (perhaps a fiddle) by a man and a woman. At night, there was Indian music by “the boys” (mandali).

The next day, Baba went for an hour’s trip by boat on Lake Lugano with the group. They then went by car to a spot nearby where the Locarno Peace Treaty had been signed. From there, to a beautiful sanctuary, the Madonna del Sasso church, built on a hillside above the town. Baba remained seated there for ten to fifteen minutes. There were terracotta sculpture groups of Jesus and the disciples, and a large crucifix was over the altar at the front of the church. Baba explained, “It is I who is on the crucifix, and for this reason, I did not remove my hat when entering the church.” Baba then explained about the different characteristics of Jesus’ apostles and remarked about Mary Magdalene’s repentance and love for Jesus.

While looking at the figures depicted at the Last Supper, Baba commented:

I loved John intensely. I remember John and Judas [more] often, though I had great love for Peter too. There are many things about Jesus and his circle that are not yet known to people, as in books such as the Bible so many changes have been made. I will explain later on.

When I break my silence, clothed in the simple sadra which I wear in India, people will see me as Jesus. I am the selfsame Christ who was nailed on the cross. For the welfare of others, I undergo terrible suffering, and I suffer infinitely. I am daily being crucified as I suffer for the whole world. I am being crucified every moment, even now!

I remember a humorous incident in the life of Jesus. A very stout man tried to kick Jesus when he was carrying the cross. But he was so fat that while trying to kick him [me], he fell down! I remember it well.

When I [as Jesus] ordered a pit to be dug to bury a member of my circle, Peter completed the work with his fingers, thereby injuring them badly, and to the point that one finger was fractured and the flesh lacerated. But the very next day, it was healed by my simply blowing on it.

As they left the church, they saw an old man with a white beard sitting on a bench. He was blind and begging. Baba sat down beside him and took his hand. He motioned to certain ones to give the old man some money, remarking, “He is a good soul; I know him well.”

They returned to Lugano at 7:00 P.M., after stopping at a restaurant for tea and cakes. They went to a film that night.

20 July 1956,

… As Baba walked through the waiting room on his way upstairs, he paused to allow several last-minute visitors to be introduced to him. Once upstairs, he called ten or twelve of his close lovers to his room. He teased and chatted with them, asking if they loved him and in return, assuring them of his love for them. When he asked one young man if he loved Baba and received a positive reply, he turned to the wife and said, “Are you jealous? You must never be jealous of Baba’s love. Baba’s love is different.”

Baba then embraced each one and sent them home. That night, Baba called Eruch over to the window in his room, and pointing to the lights of the city, said, “Isn’t it good?”

Eruch replied noncommittally, “Well, it is just the same as in India — people and buildings.”

26 July 1956,

… A few days later, Baba told some of his lovers, “I searched all over before I selected this soul to come to them.”

Virginia Rudd had issues with her feet and had found a pair of sandals that had helped her. She bought a pair for Baba which she thought might ease his leg pain. Baba told her to put one of the sandals on his right foot. She did, but Baba said it wasn’t what he wears and told her to preserve it as it had been on his feet. He added, “You are so blessed to have touched my foot.”

On another occasion, when Harold and Virginia Rudd were in the Lagoon Cabin with a few others, Baba waited a while in silence until all were there and had gathered quietly. He then pointed to Harold and said, “I love Virginia very much. Are you not jealous?” Harold only smiled.

Again, Baba asked the same question. Harold smiled and said, “The more you love her the happier I am; the more she loves you, the happier I am.”

Baba, however, persisted in this line of questioning. “Are you sure you aren’t jealous?” With that, Harold rushed up past people and threw himself down on the floor in front of Baba with arms outstretched and eyes closed. He shouted, “Take my life. Take it now — this instant! Take it!” Three times he repeated this, each time raising himself to speak and then lying back down.

Baba looked very solemn. The fourth time Harold raised himself to speak, he said simply: “Only, in exchange, fill Virginia’s heart full of happiness.”

Baba said very seriously, “I know everything. I know that Harold is not play-acting. People think that Harold is acting, but Baba knows better.” He called Virginia, made the couple embrace in his presence, and then soon after dismissed everyone.

Baba’s schedule that day was a bit hectic and crowded. This was because Baba had expressly stated to Elizabeth upon his arrival in New York that he did not wish his whole time in Myrtle Beach to be taken up with interviews, but wished to be in seclusion part of his visit, and also to have leisure time to be with the various groups. Thus, the interviews originally scheduled for Saturday and Sunday had been shifted to Wednesday and Thursday. Even so, some people missed their morning appointment. Baba then invited them to be present in the Barn that afternoon.

… that recognition of God’s will means not to complain of your lot; that control of the mind means not to be upset by misfortunes; that loving all as children of the same One God means not to be jealous of anyone and not to hurt the feelings of anyone.
– Meher Baba