Dard Rukta Nahi Ek Pal Bhi

… When milk is being heated, it overflows the vessel when boiling. But when you begin boiling in my love, you should boil within and not overflow like milk for outward show. Love is not a thing to be told or expressed to anyone. It is a secret to be kept.
– Meher Baba

If you love Me, let that love not be wasted by escaping through your lips in words. It is an insult to real love if and when such love happens to be deliberately exhibited.
– Meher Baba

Dard Rukta Nahin Ek Pal Bi
Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan Qawwal And Party
Live in UK, Bradford, 11th November 1983

आज की बात फिर नहीं होगी
ये मुलाक़ात फिर नहीं होगी
ऐसे बादल तो फिर भी आएंगे
ऐसी बरसात फिर नहीं होगी

रात उनको भी यूं हुआ महसूस
जैसे ये रात फिर नहीं होगी
एक नज़र मुड़ के देखने वाले
क्या ये खैरात फिर नहीं होगी

शबे ग़म की सहर नहीं होती
हो भी तो मेरे घर नहीं होती
ज़िंदगी तू ही मुख़्तसर हो जा
शबे ग़म मुख़्तसर नहीं होती

उसके नजदीक गम-ए-तर्क-ए-वफ़ा कुछ भी नहीं
मुतमइन ऐसे हैं वो जैसे हुआ कुछ भी नहीं
अब तो हाथो से लकीरें भी मिटी जाती है
उसको खोकर तो मेरे पास रहा कुछ भी नहीं

कल बिछड़ना है तो फिर एहद-ए-वफ़ा सोच के बांध
अभी आगाज-ए-मोहब्बत है गया कुछ भी नहीं
मैं तो इस वास्ते चुप हूँ कि तमाशा ना बने
तू समझता है मुझे तुझसे गिला कुछ भी नहीं

आज रूठे हुये साजन को बहुत याद किया
अपने उजड़े हुये गुलशन को बहुत याद किया
जब कभी गर्दिश-ए-तक़दीर ने घेरा है हमें
गेसु-ए-यार की उलझन को बहुत याद किया

आज टूटे हुये सपनों की बहुत याद आई
आज बीते हुये सावन को बहुत याद किया
शमा की जोत पे जलते हुए परवानो ने
एक तेरे शोला-ए-दामन को बहुत याद क्या

दर्द रुकता नहीं एक पल भी
इश्क की ये सजा मिल रही है

दर्द रुकता नहीं एक पल भी
इश्क की ये सज़ा मिल रही है
मौत से पहले ही मर गए हम
चोट नज़रों की ऐसी लगी है

ऐसी लगी है ऐसी लगी है ऐसी लगी है
उनसे ऐसी लगी है
उनसे ऐसी लगी है
उनसे ऐसी लगी है

जबसे लगी है आँख भी मेरी लगी नहीं
ये आतिश-ए-फ़िराक है रहती दबी नहीं
उनसे ऐसी लगी है
उनसे ऐसी लगी है
उनसे ऐसी लगी है

जबसे लागे तोरे संग नैन पिया
मेरी रो रो के कटती है रेन पिया
उनसे ऐसी लगी है
उनसे ऐसी लगी है
उनसे ऐसी लगी है

सावन की काली रातों में
जब बूंदा बांदी होती है
जग सुख की नींद में सोता है
और बिरहा हमारी रोती है
उनसे ऐसी लगी है
उनसे ऐसी लगी है
उनसे ऐसी लगी है

ऐसी लगी है उनसे ऐसी लगी है

मौत से पहले ही मर गए हम
चोट नज़रों की ऐसी लगी है

बेवफा इतना एहसान कर दे
कम से कम इश्क की लाज रख ले
दो कदम चल के कान्धा तो दे दे
तेरे आशिक की मय्यत उठी है

रात कटती है गिन गिन के तारे
रात कटती है गिन गिन के तारे

रात कटती है
रात कटती है गिन गिन के तारे
रात कटती है गिन गिन के गिन गिन के तारे

माना शुमार तारों का करना मुहाल है
लेकिन किसी को नींद ना आये तो क्या करे
गिन गिन के तारे
रात कटती है गिन गिन के गिन गिन के तारे

रात कटती है गिन गिन के तारे

किसी की शब-ए-वस्ल सोते कटे है
किसी की शब-ए-हिज्र रोते कटे है
इलाही हमारी ये शब कैसी शब है
ना रोते कटे है ना सोते कटे है
बस गिन गिन के तारे
रात कटती है गिन गिन के गिन गिन के तारे

सितारों सितारों
सितारों सितारों सितारों

सितारों सितारों मेरी रातों के सहारो
मुहब्बत की चमकती यादगारों सितारों
ना जाने मुझको नींद आये ना आये
तुम्हीं आराम कर लो बेक़रारों
मेरी गिन गिन के तारे
रात कटती है गिन गिन के गिन गिन के तारे

गिन गिन के तारे
करार लूट लिया बे-करार छोड़ गए
बहार ले गए याद-ए-बहार छोड़ गए
हमारी चश्म-ए-हज़ीं का न कुछ ख्याल किया
वो उम्र भर के लिए अश्क़-बार छोड़ गए

अब गिन गिन के तारे
रात कटती है गिन गिन के गिन गिन के तारे

रात कटती है गिन गिन के तारे
नींद आती नहीं एक पल भी

रात कटती है गिन गिन के तारे
नींद आती नहीं एक पल भी
आँख लगती नहीं अब हमारी
आँख उस बुत से ऐसी लगी है

इस कदर मेरे दिल को निचोड़ा
एक कतरा लहू का ना छोड़ा
जगमगाती है जो उनकी खल्वत
वो मेरे खून की रौशनी है

लड़खड़ाता हुआ जब भी ‘नाज़ा’
उनकी रंगीन महफ़िल में पंहुचा
देख कर मुझको लोगों से बोले
ये वही बेवफा आदमी है

दर्द रुकता नहीं एक पल भी
इश्क की ये सज़ा मिल रही है …

19 September 1954,

… A few more ghazal records were played. Baba interpreted the meanings:

O you who have arrived at the Goal and know the secret of God, see that you reveal the secret only to the select few.

Baba commented, “When Mansur said ‘I am God,’ the Muslims were infuriated and hanged him.”

O Mansur, even if you are hanged for having said you are one with Beloved God, do not reveal the secret.

O Shams-e-Tabriz, because you raised the dead and the Muslims skinned you alive, do not reveal the secret.

O lovers of God, do not let what is in your hearts come to your lips.

Remember, one who really loves God, God annihilates him. God mixes him with the dust.

Baba remarked, “And this was true of the apostles of Christ and the past Saviors.”

O Lover, beware, God tests you by being cruel, by giving you false hopes, even by cutting you to pieces.

Baba commented, “Hafiz says, The Master ties you fully dressed, hands and feet, unto a plank, throws you in mid-ocean, and says, ‘If you love me, let not one drop of water touch your clothes.’ Why does he do this? The answer is that which Peter the chief apostle was told: ‘You will deny me.’ Why? Jesus said it and had it done. Why? Jesus, in that way, took the whole burden of the world and made Peter share it.

“To love means to lose your whole self with all its paraphernalia. It means torture, pangs, longing, and if despite all this, one is firm in his love, he becomes one with the Beloved. What was the height of suffering to Peter? That he denied his beloved Master! This denial was to enable him to share the sufferings of Jesus.

3 November 1952,

… Baba next listened to music. After again hearing the song, “O holder of the secret, even if you were to be beheaded, do not reveal it,” Baba commented, “The secret can be talked about, but to know it is an entirely different order of experience; bhed [the secret; Knowledge] is not connected with intellect. Instead, it is closely related to feelings and if indiscreetly disclosed, creates chaos.”

To make the point clear, Baba related a story of a Pathan and a Marwari, exemplifying a sudden outburst of emotion which transformed a man’s nature by the utterance of certain words:

A stout and sturdy Pathan and a weak, scrawny Marwari were not on good terms. The Marwari hated the Pathan but, owing to his size, he was unable to give him the beating he felt he deserved. Once, he saw the Pathan at a distance coming toward him. He gathered some of his Hindu friends near him and said, “Friends, this Pathan is a very treacherous fellow. Though I behave with him in the most polite way, he treats me very rudely. I will prove it to you. Please help me to teach him a good lesson.”

By this time, the Pathan came near. The Marwari, with a smiling face, shook hands with him and embraced him; but as he did so he whispered in his ear, “You son of a pig!” These words were enough to rouse the feelings of the Pathan and make him fly into a rage. He began to hit the Marwari. Not knowing the real situation, those who were standing nearby sided with the Marwari, and the Pathan got a sound thrashing.

Baba related this with such animated gesturing, imitating so perfectly the Marwari, the Pathan and their fight, that everyone was laughing heartily. This concluded the evening meeting and Baba left for Meherazad.


… As a matter of fact, Avatars, Sadgurus and Masters never reveal their way of working. If they do so, it entails more work for them. The Sufis say, “One who has found the Truth, hides it eternally.” And it is absolutely so. This means that one who is God-realized never reveals the Truth in ordinary words.
– Meher Baba (28 September 1940)


… I suffer mentally and physically. My mental suffering is more intense. I suffer spiritually because I see and feel myself bound in you by your ignorance, and so I suffer. Blessed is he who holds on firmly to my daaman! In no previous Avataric period have I disclosed these secrets, because the time was not right for it then. At present, science has advanced by leaps and bounds, the anti-God element is also at its maximum, and so why should not spirituality also be at its maximum?
– Meher Baba (December 1962)


… When milk is being heated, it overflows the vessel when boiling. But when you begin boiling in my love, you should boil within and not overflow like milk for outward show. Love is not a thing to be told or expressed to anyone. It is a secret to be kept.

– Meher Baba (30 September 1954)



If you love Me, let that love not be wasted by escaping through your lips in words. It is an insult to real love if and when such love happens to be deliberately exhibited.

You have to be very particular about the purity of heart, you talk of love but it is not easy to love. You should love God in such a way that apart from others not knowing about it, you yourself are not aware of it.

For you to bow down to Me, to perform My Arti to Worship Me is not what I have come for amongst you. I expect much from you. I have come to receive your love from you and to bestow My Love on you. Love others as you would love your self and all that is yours.

If you feel for others in the same way as you feel for your dear ones, you love God.

– Meher Baba

Meher Baba Calling, page 48

… On Tuesday, 29 November 1927, Baba appointed Baidul as his official C.I.D. (Secret Police) officer. He directed him to keep a quiet, loving eye on the boys, and appointed him as their manager to look after them and see that they were encouraged in their love for the Master.

Baidul took up his new post with zeal and began preaching to the children about the opportunity of being in Meher Ashram and the school, encouraging them to meditate on Baba. His enthusiasm was so pronounced that those children who usually only paid attention to their studies would start meditating as soon as they knew Baidul was approaching. No sooner would he walk away than their feigned meditation ended. But some of the boys were truly love-stricken and were having extraordinary inner experiences.

Baidul was also directed by Baba to keep watch on the other mandali. He was to “report the minutest defect at Meherabad during school hours.” Baidul would also sneak up to the mandali’s quarters at night and, standing quietly on one side of the bamboo matting, listen to their conversations. He would then report any indiscretions or complaints he had overheard to Baba, who would later rebuke the men involved.

One night Rustom was talking with Pendu and a few others in their quarters. Baidul quietly came and stood on the other side of the bamboo partition. The mandali by now knew who was betraying them. Rustom silently rose, stood on a chair and took a bucket of water and dumped it over Baidul’s head. Thus the men joined forces in opposing this “traitor”; nevertheless, Baidul faithfully carried out his C.I.D. duties.

In obeying Baba’s orders one had to be steadfast in facing all resistance. Every man was working under some difficulty or pressure, and being together in such close proximity was like a living death to the ego. Still in such situations, love continued to thrive, and though one might be at odds with another for a while — or even consider another an enemy — internally we were always brothers before our Compassionate Lord.


August 1948,

… Although Jean and Delia were happy to be back in India, they were feeling the pain of separation at being kept at Meherabad instead of with Mehera, Mani and the other women in Ahmednagar. After the housewarming at Meherazad, Baba called them to Pop’s house to stay, and they felt much happier. Kaka was cooking separately for the Westerners living at Pop’s and Baba was sending them to the Ice Factory Bungalow for their meals, while he ate with the Eastern women at Pop’s.

Elizabeth wondered to herself: “Why does Baba send us out for food?”

Answering her unasked question one day, Baba commented, “By walking one stimulates a good appetite, and returning on foot after eating is good for the digestion.”

A few minutes after Jean, Delia, Elizabeth and Norina left to eat, Baba would send Rano after them with instructions to listen to them as they ate and report back what they had been talking about over lunch. This was awkward for Rano, because each day she had to fabricate some excuse for going there. She would pretend to be talking with Kaka as she tried her best to overhear the lunchtime conversation.

After a few days, Jean confronted her: “Rano, I do believe you are spying on us.”

Trying to look innocently outraged, Rano replied, “Why Jean, why should you think that? I am conveying Baba’s messages to Kaka.” But Rano felt embarrassed nonetheless, and perhaps that is exactly the reason Baba kept sending her time and time again on this spying assignment.

Among the men also, Baba would choose someone to spy on them for him. Sometimes, he would disclose to the others that such-and-such a person had told him a certain thing. Sooner or later, someone would lose his temper, and all hell would break loose when the traitor was exposed, as denials and accusations were shouted back and forth. The innocent “spy” could not even defend himself by revealing that he was doing so under Baba’s orders, since that would have displeased Baba. So he had to glumly accept the retribution from those he had been spying on.

The reason Baba would create such situations was to make the mandali fearless by strictly following his behests without their giving a damn what anyone thought of them. Even if the whole world would turn against them, they became so strong they did not care. Their only thought was to keep their Beloved Master pleased. They learned that to keep him pleased was the greatest thing they could possibly accomplish, and he who devoted his life to it could be said to have “gained” immeasurably. But it was next to impossible to keep the Beloved happy, and only heroes who were unafraid to “die to themselves” could do it.


June 1964,

… In the mornings and afternoons at Guruprasad, Baba would sit in a small side room with the men mandali. Sometimes individuals would come seeking darshan, often having traveled from hundreds of miles away, but as a rule Baba would not see them. Arnavaz was allowed to stay for ten days from the first of June. Pukar also came for a short stay. Adi was called to Poona several times, once to represent Baba at the wedding of Shantadevi’s daughter.

One day, a man approached Guruprasad, and Baidul went to inform him that Baba was not meeting visitors. Bhau was sent to find out more about him, and Pukar was told to go also. Bhau tried to question the person, but the man stood weeping, unable to speak. Pukar for some reason blurted out, “Has your wife been unfaithful?” The man nodded and slowly told his story: He was from Bilaspur. He found out his wife was cheating on him, and she subsequently ran away with her lover. He decided to commit suicide, but he wanted Baba’s darshan first. He came by train, even though he had no money to purchase a ticket. He was caught traveling without a ticket and jailed for one week. He had just been released.

Baba called the man and told him, “You are fortunate that your wife left you. She has given you the opportunity to remember God. Don’t worry about her. It’s good that she left. You should thank her. Because of her, you have gotten my darshan. Now, forget about her, and never think of suicide.” The man was told to return home, and he was given an amount for his return fare, and for food along the way.

Baba made another exception to the ban on visitors, in the case of Hilary Sinding-Larsen and Robert Michiels, two young Norwegians (who married a year or so after meeting Baba). Hilary had come to know of Baba from reading God Speaks, which deeply impressed her. She felt at home in India and wore saris during her stay in the country.

One more further exception was Harry Kenmore. Harry arrived in Poona from New York on the evening of 19 June 1964, and stayed for a week at the Wellesley Hotel. He was permitted to visit Guruprasad each day. On one occasion, Baba remarked to Kenmore about his suffering: “I carry the Universal burden, and I suffer physically, mentally and spiritually. My physical suffering is seen by those around me. My mental suffering is intense, infinite. As for my spiritual suffering, it is ad infinitum. When I break my silence, it will be the end of suffering.”

In late June — as seen by those around him — Baba began experiencing severe back pain on his right side. Baba was advised to consult Dr. Grant and he agreed, but refused to have an X-ray taken. On 30 June, Baba had more diagnostic blood tests done for blood sugar and cholesterol. After finding the urea level high, Dr. Grant diagnosed that the pain was renal. Protein was cut out of Baba’s diet, and after they returned to Meherazad, the pain lessened.

During the past two years, Baba had suffered three attacks of severe renal colic, and twice he passed stones the size of a grain of wheat. Baba was also wearing the special cervical collar for some part of each day for his neck pain, and he would occasionally allow Goher to give him fomentations to give him some relief.
