Aisa Ban’na Sawarna Mubark Tumhe

… In my present Avataric form, I suffer more than I ever did as Christ, for then I was crucified but once — now it is a daily crucifixion for me. The Avatar suffers physically, mentally and spiritually.
– Meher Baba [ 2 December 1962, Lord Meher p. 4892 ]

… At the time of Jesus, I uttered many warnings, yet none could grasp in advance about my crucifixion. The dark cloud is very, very near to bursting, and I have to take the whole force of it upon myself. You can have no idea of what that will mean for me. It will be like hell itself bursting upon me on earth! Be resolved to hold fast to my daaman even when this cloud bursts. You will, thereby, share in my work.
– Meher Baba [ 8 September 1957, Lord Meher p. 4200 ]

… It is an absolute certainty that before leaving my body I will have to face universal humiliation, apparent universal defeat and violent death, culminating in universal Divine Glory. By “violent death,” I mean that I will suffer great physical violence preceding the glorious victory of Divine Truth, and this violence endured by my body will ultimately be the cause of my physical death. The manifestation of the Divine Truth will go hand in hand with the breaking of my silence.

Let those sitting here with me today, and those away from me at this moment, beware and be ready. The time is close at hand — the moment has almost arrived when your sincerity and your utter surrender to your Master will be put to the extreme test. It is not I, personally, but circumstances that will test the extent of your self-dedication to me, your Master.
– Meher Baba [ 21 March 1953, Lord Meher p. 3290 ]

… There are always two aspects of divinity perpetually and eternally active in the affairs of the world: the destructive aspect of divinity as expressed in Persian Shama-e-jalal, which means Self-glorification, and the constructive aspect of divinity called in Persian Shama-e-jamal, meaning Self-beatitude. This aspect of Self-glorification by God, when it gets palpably active, entails suffering and destruction on a colossal scale. The aspect of divine Self-beatitude, when it asserts itself, brings in its wake peace and plenty.

In the aspect of Self-glorification, divinity repels itself through its own creation; and in the aspect of Self-beatitude, divinity attracts or loves itself through its own creation. The former is a negative method and the latter a positive one. And both these methods ultimately are instruments of divine wisdom, to arouse humanity to the divine heritage, which is Self-Realization.
– Meher Baba [13 November 1944, Lord Meher p. 2443]

ऐसा बनना सँवरना मुबारक तुम्हें
कम से कम इतना कहना हमारा करो
उनका बनना सँवरना, उनका बनना सँवरना
उनका बनना सँवरना, ऐसा बनना सँवरना

वो क्या सँवर गए मेरी किस्मत सँवर गयी
उनका बनना सँवरना, ऐसा बनना सँवरना

हज़ारों वादा-ए-शब उसने इस सूरत से टाले हैं
कभी मेहँदी लगाई है, कभी गेसू संभाले हैं
उनका बनना सँवरना, ऐसा बनना सँवरना

वो अगर बन सँवर गए होंगे, देखने वाले मर गए होंगे
उनका बनना सँवरना, ऐसा बनना सँवरना

मरीज़ों का दम आंखों में है, वो हैं महव-ए-आराइश
वहाँ होठों की लाली है, यहाँ जानों के लाले हैं
उनका बनना सँवरना, ऐसा बनना सँवरना

हज़ारों फर्याद कर रहे हैं, मगर किसी पर नज़र नहीं है
वो महव हैं आईने में ऐसे के उनको अपनी खबर नहीं है
उनका बनना सँवरना, ऐसा बनना सँवरना

आईने में हर अदा को देखकर कहते हैं वो
आज ये देखेंगे हम किस किस की आयी हुई
उनका बनना सँवरना, ऐसा बनना सँवरना

सजने के वक़्त ये भी ज़रा देखते नहीं
आयना देखता है उन्हें किस निगाह से
उनका बनना सँवरना, ऐसा बनना सँवरना

उन्हें आराइश-ए-गेसू से मतलब,
कोई दीवाना हो जाए बला से
उनका बनना सँवरना, ऐसा बनना सँवरना

ऐसा बनना सँवरना मुबारक तुम्हें
कम से कम इतना कहना हमारा करो
चाँद शरमाएगा चांदनी रात में
यूँ न जुल्फों को अपनी सँवारा करो

ये तबस्सुम ये आरिज़ ये रोशन ज़बीं
ये अदा ये निगाहे ये जुल्फे हसीं
आयने की नज़र लग न जाये कहीं
जान-ए-जाँ अपना सदक़ा उतारा करो

दिल तो क्या चीज़ है जान से जाएंगे
मौत आने से पहले ही मर जाएंगे
ये अदा देखने वाले लुट जाएंगे
यूँ न हँस-हँस के दिलबर इशारा करो

ये अदा ये अदा, क्या क़यामत
ये अदा है ये अदा
क्या क़यामत ये अदा है ये अदा

हर अदा मस्ताना सर से पाँव तक छायी हुई
उफ़ तेरी काफिर जवानी जोश पर आयी हुई
क्या क़यामत ये अदा है ये अदा

बिस्मिल का खुदा हाफिज क़ातिल का खुदा हाफिज
तुम जिस पे नज़र डालो उस दिल का खुदा हाफिज
क्या क़यामत ये अदा है ये अदा
क्या क़यामत ये अदा

अंदाज़ अपने देखते हैं आयने में वो
और ये भी देखते हैं कोई देखता न हो
क्या क़यामत ये अदा है ये अदा
क्या क़यामत

दिल चुराने की अदा ख़ास हुआ करती है
देख लेते हैं वो उस दीदा नज़र से पहले
क्या क़यामत ये अदा है ये अदा
क्या क़यामत ये अदा है

ज़रा उनके शोखी तो देखिये
लिये ज़ुल्फ़-ए-ख़म शुदा हाँथ में
मेरे पास आके दबे दबे
मुझे सांप कह के डरा दिया
क्या क़यामत ये अदा है ये अदा
क्या क़यामत ये अदा है ये

दिल मेरा लेकर ये ज़ालिम ने कहा
जाओ रास्ता लो तुम्हारा कुछ नहीं
क्या क़यामत ये अदा है ये अदा

अंगड़ाई लेके उसने मुझ पर खुमार डाला
ज़ालिम की इस अदा ने बस मुझको मार डाला
क्या क़यामत ये अदा है ये अदा

अंगड़ाई भी वो लेने न पाए उठा के हाथ
देखा मुझे तो छोड़ दिए मुस्कुरा के हाथ
क्या क़यामत ये अदा है ये अदा
क्या क़यामत ये अदा है ये अदा
क्या क़यामत

ये अदा देखने वाले लुट जाएंगे
यूँ न हँस-हँस के दिलबर इशारा करो
ये अदा देखने वाले लुट जाएंगे
यूँ न हँस-हँस के दिलबर इशारा करो

फ़िक्र-ए-उक़्बा की मस्ती उतर जाएगी
तौबा टूटी तो किस्मत संवर जाएगी
तुमको दुनिया में जन्नत नज़र आएगी
शैख़ जी मयकदे का नज़ारा करो

काम आये न मुश्किल में कोई यहां
मतलबी दोस्त हैं मतलबी यार हैं
इस जहां में नहीं कोई अहल-ए-वफ़ा
ऐ ‘फना’ इस जहां से कनारा करो

इस जहां में नहीं कोई अहल-ए-वफ़ा
ऐ ‘फना’ इस जहां से कनारा करो
इस जहां से नहीं कोई अहल-ए-वफ़ा
ऐ ‘फना’ इस जहां से कनारा करो

ऐसा बनना सँवरना मुबारक तुम्हें
कम से कम इतना कहना हमारा करो …

December 1962,

… On the morning of the 2nd, Baba explained:

I have two bodies — a human body and a Universal body. Also a human mind and a Universal mind. When it was absolutely essential to convince Arjuna, I [as Krishna] showed him a glimpse — just the tiniest glimpse — of my Universal body, and he felt overpowered with just that.

I have All-bliss but I do not touch it or make use of it. Not to make use of the Bliss which is mine is agony. But if the Avatar could make use of the Bliss that is his, how could his suffering be called “suffering,” and of what benefit would his self-imposed suffering for mankind be! As a human, the Avatar does not touch the Bliss that is eternally at his beck and call and at his back, as it were. That is why Christ, in his agony cried, “Father, why hast Thou forsaken me?” He was telling himself that!

In my present Avataric form, I suffer more than I ever did as Christ, for then I was crucified but once — now it is a daily crucifixion for me. The Avatar suffers physically, mentally and spiritually.

19 May 1937,

… Changing the subject, Baba explained about Jesus and his apostles Peter and Judas:

Now, who is Christ? The individual soul. Who is Jesus? The Avatar of Nazareth. What is Christ? The Son of God state.

Judas helped Jesus Christ in his Universal work. If Christ had not undergone the crucifixion, he could not have taken the burden of the universe upon himself. Jesus brought about his own crucifixion.

Peter loved Jesus the most. Jesus loved him most, although the love of Jesus for all was the same. Can you explain this? Loving all the same and yet some more than others? It is like the different parts of the body: they all belong to you, but you love some parts more than others. The eyes are more dear than your fingers. Is this clear?

Jesus loved Peter most in this respect. Peter was his eyes. When Jesus said to Peter, “You will betray me,” Peter knew he would betray his Master, the one whom he loved most, and yet he bore it bravely.

It was the most difficult thing to do: to know that he would betray and yet not to become weak. Jesus made Peter know that he would betray him for his work.

Judas was also made to betray. Peter betrayed willingly. It is most difficult when you love the one you betray. For example, suppose you [pointing to one] love me most. You are Peter. You [pointing to another] are Judas. I want you both to kill me. Now you, Peter, are made to kill me. You would not willingly do so. You are asked by me to kill me, and you love me more than your life. But you will lovingly kill me for my work.

Even Arjuna could not be like Peter. Krishna had to show him his Universal Body before he would kill his brothers and relatives in battle.

You, Judas, [pointing to that one] love me very much. I turn the key and you go against me for my work. You do not go against me of your own accord. I make you go against me in order to tell people all about me. You do it willingly, knowing that people hearing you would beat me and crucify me.

All this means love, faith and sacrifice. If you do what I ask willingly, you really love me. If you are made to do it, you love me a little less. But if you do not do it, it all turns out like today’s mango business when you all hesitated to accept when I offered you the mangoes.

Baba concluded, “God’s grace makes you love me. My grace makes you one with me.”

… “For Meher Baba, these gatherings were nothing short of crucifixion! To embrace his lovers, to give them darshan and sahavas — all this was a terrible crucifixion for him. For in doing so, Baba was taking upon himself the sanskaras of the hundreds who came, and suffering under that load. It was not that Baba wanted to call meetings to converse with his lovers, to give discourses, to be jocular; this was all an outward show. Internally, Baba was bearing the burden of each one, and the burden was much more than the suffering borne by him as Jesus on the cross.

“Yet, it was all Meher Baba’s infinite mercy and love that made him suffer so, specifically for his lovers and in general for the world.

None can imagine the limits of his love or the extent of his mercy. Baba was on a cross every moment of his current advent for the welfare of mankind, sacrificing his body, every particle of which was full of suffering.”

7 November 1955,

… Baba then explained:

I am very fond of having fun, but when I become serious I remain serious. With me, it is so from eternity. On gaining Realization, I gave up everything in eternity except my sense of humor. I have discoursed on this before. This is called the Avatar’s leela [game or play]. In that discourse, I have also spoken about other matters such as Christ’s crucifixion. I am being crucified every second; but my merry, cheerful nature helps me bear the untold suffering.

While joking with me outwardly, have reverence for me in your heart. If you have no inner reverence, it is better you remain miles away from me. I am like fire! Fire dispels the cold and cooks your food. But if you try to play with it, it will burn you to ashes. If inwardly you feel that I am the Avatar and the Highest of the High, then your outward behavior will not affect that understanding. But if you have no inner understanding of the sort, then it is no use your expressing your love and reverence for me outwardly.

May 1959,

… In mid-May 1959, Baba began hinting more often that his universal burden was increasing greatly and “the time” was drawing near. From 14 May, he began a special period of 56 days, during which time he asked all concerned to fully resign to his every wish and not give him the least cause for irritation. He added:

If all goes well as I wish, my work will be done 100 percent successfully with glorious results. If you do your utmost, I will help you to help me.

These days maya is in full force and tries to oppose my work. Therefore, particularly those who live near me must remain very watchful. Knowing my love for you, maya awaits the opportunity to use your weaknesses. The moment you neglect my instructions, maya’s purpose is served. I have to put up a big fight with maya — not to destroy it, but to make you aware of its nothingness. The moment you fail to obey me implicitly, it tightens its grip over you and you fail to carry out the duties assigned to you. This adds to my present suffering.

In God there is no such thing as confusion: God is infinite bliss and honesty. In illusion there is misery, confusion, chaos. As the Eternal Redeemer of humanity, I am ever at the junction of Reality and illusion, simultaneously experiencing the infinite bliss of Reality and the suffering of illusion. With Reality on the one hand and illusion on the other, I constantly experience, as it were, a pull from each side. This is my crucifixion. I do not ever let go of my hold on Reality. Imagine for instance that the pull of illusion becomes too great. What would happen? My “arm” would be pulled out of its socket, but I remain what I am!

21 May 1959,

… Baba was in a communicative mood and said:

The First Song of the Infinite is the beginning of creation. It brings about the apparent descent of the Infinite into the domain of multiple duality. Duality implies unending sufferings.

I am eternally happy, for I know that I am the Infinite One. I alone exist, there is nothing besides me, all else is illusion. Simultaneously, I suffer eternally.

As myself, I am free, but in you, as you, I get myself bound. I knowingly suffer through you to make you free from bindings. This is my crucifixion. Your experience of suffering is because of sheer ignorance. Your ignorance is my suffering.

July 1939,

… Discussing this predicament, Baba commented:

The Avatar has to incur upon himself the infinite burden of “worries” of the entire suffering world, while working in the world for the spiritual upliftment of humanity. This suffering of people, steeped in the darkness of ignorance, becomes the Avatar’s suffering. This is his crucifixion. The Avatar is crucified every moment of his life on earth.

But, with this infinite suffering which he has to take upon himself, he also has the infinite bliss of the Perfect State, which he eternally experiences. Otherwise, it would be utterly impossible, and he would be literally crushed under the burden of such suffering from all sides. If an ordinary man, however great, were to [feel] even a thousandth part of the Avatar’s suffering, he would go mad! The Avatar has to bear this burden to lighten the load of the suffering of the world.

24 September 1954,

… On returning, Baba looked at a photograph of himself as a young man and stated, “I love him very much.”

Baba sent for the fruit juice and stated:

The poor have little food, and those in Assam and elsewhere suffer from the floods. I am in all; I am in Eternal Bliss because of God, and in everlasting suffering through these souls. I want to make people not only food-minded, but God-minded. That is why I have called these meetings.

I am infinitely restless, and infinitely at peace simultaneously.

Jesus, being God and omnipotent, allowed himself to be helpless, humiliated and crucified. He knew it all, because he had planned it all long ago, and he did it for all. But to have the right result, he had to experience the helplessness and the suffering. Do not think that because he was all powerful, he did not suffer the humiliation and the crucifixion, or it would not then have had the desired effect.

Some people think that, because I am one with God, my body is not affected by anything. At times, so as not to hurt their feelings, I have to behave as though I do not feel cold or the sun. Someone came and sat by me when they had a bad cold, and thought: “As Baba is God, this cannot affect him.” But I am on the human level, and must behave as on the human level. So, when I saw she had a cold and fever, I also saw that she would not like it if I turned away, so I held my breath.

The first time I was in London [1931], it was drizzling and cold, and everyone was wearing warm clothes; and they wanted me to be photographed in these thin clothes [sadra], thinking it did not matter to me. So I had to feel cheerful, and I afterwards sent for a warm coat. All the mandali know that when Meherabad was in full swing with asylums, hospitals, et cetera, I was very thin; and when I discarded the old coat of mine, I used to go about supervising and being cheerful with everyone, and being everywhere, and used to keep fit. Even now, I feel fit, but I think I shall catch cold from you all!

30 January 1969,

… Meanwhile in Poona, Dr. Grant was to visit Booth Hospital in Ahmednagar on Thursday, 30 January 1969, and so, as wished by Baba, Meherjee brought him first to Meherazad at 8:00 A.M. Baba’s health appeared normal in the doctor’s presence, and he communicated animatedly with him. Dr. Grant mentioned that he was thinking of starting a new foundation (to be named the Poona Medical Foundation at Ruby Hall), but was not certain it would meet with success. Baba encouraged him to go ahead with it. The nurse who came with Dr. Grant also discussed some personal financial problem with Baba. Even to the end, Baba expressed compassion and concern for people’s practical everyday matters.

Baba was not eating properly, and Dr. Grant, thinking Baba’s health was improving, advised him to ingest more protein. Baba joked, “At first you put certain restrictions on my diet, and now you tell me to take more protein!”

Dr. Grant replied, “Since you are eating hardly anything, you should have food with a lot of protein in it.”

“Do you eat meat and fish?” Baba asked.

Grant replied that he ate only one meal a day, and that yes, he had a non-vegetarian diet. After examining Baba, Dr. Grant concluded, “I do not understand anything and I can do nothing until further tests are done, so that a definite diagnosis can be determined. And this can only be done if you come to Poona. We will take different tests to find out the reasons for the spasms.”

Baba replied, “My time has come.”

Because Baba looked extremely pale, it was decided that Baba’s blood would be checked again on 1 February and, if required, Grant would return at 7:30 A.M. on the 2nd and give Baba another blood transfusion. (Since Ginde would be coming on the 1st, he too was asked to be present during the transfusion, if it had to be done.)

Dr. Grant and Meherjee left. In the car on their way back to Poona, Grant told Meherjee, “Baba’s condition is critical. Baba himself knows this, and said so.”

After Grant left, the shocks again attacked the Beloved’s body. Eruch, Pendu, Francis and Bhau were in Baba’s room and they held firmly onto his arms and legs. Goher was beside herself, totally at a loss as to what treatment to administer. Baba remarked, “This is my crucifixion! Christ was crucified once, but I am being crucified every moment!”

He repeated this several times, and when Don came to his room to check on him, he repeated it again solely for him, “This is my crucifixion! Christ was crucified once, but I am being crucified every moment!”

He also conveyed to Don, “All this, all that I have been through all along, has been a preparation for the Word — for just the One Word!”

And with a quizzical smile, he added, “Just imagine!”

Every movement of Baba’s fingers would precipitate a spasm, making it difficult to read his gestures. The spasms subsided after an hour.

A picture of Jesus walking on the sea and the apostle Peter beholding him hung in a corner of Baba’s room. The caption read: “Lord, save me, or I shall perish!”

Pointing to it, Baba gestured to Eruch, “You are my Peter …”

Baba sent for a picture of Jesus at the Last Supper with the twelve apostles. Pointing to the apostle John (leaning against Jesus’ chest), Baba gestured to Eruch, “Bhau is my John …”

Baba repeated this to Bhau on several occasions during these last days. While Bhau was on watch, Baba explained, “John was the youngest of Christ’s disciples. Christ used to kiss and loved him dearly. Similarly, I love you. I love all, but this is my personal love.”

January 1969,

… More blood samples were taken on Thursday morning, 9 January 1969 and sent to Ruby Hall. The urea level was 124 and the hemoglobin 10 percent. Grant advised Baba be brought to Poona where he could be well attended. Ginde also telephoned and inquired about Baba’s health. Therefore, both the men and women mandali exhorted Baba to shift to Poona before his usual time at the end of March, but Baba was unwilling to go for further tests.

It was at this time, perhaps to relieve the mandali’s fears, that Baba began mentioning giving darshan while lying down. “If I give my darshan to my lovers lying down, would there be anything wrong in that?” he asked.

The mandali replied, “Of course not, why would it be wrong? Your lovers’ only concern is to see to your pleasure.”

But Baba’s deteriorating condition caused the mandali to worry, and they continued to wonder how it would be possible for Baba to give darshan for two months — from 10 April until 10 June. They were apprehensive about whether his body could withstand such a strain, but Baba assured them:

It will be easy for me to give my lovers darshan, so you are not to feel concerned. I will give darshan reclining and that will be no strain on my body.

It will be different from all previous darshans, and it will be the last in silence. It will be the darshan of darshans — unparalleled.

Although I will be reclining, I will be very strong. My physical condition now is because of my work, but by then my work will be complete and my exultation will be great. A pauper winning a bumper lottery can become so excited over his fortune that he collapses and dies. My fortune will be in my work being finished and in the knowledge of its certain results; but my exultation will not cause my collapse — it will be my glory.

Adi Jr., Franey, Shireen, Dara, Amrit and Ann Eve came that day to say goodbye to Baba before returning to London the following day. In reference to his health, Baba assured Franey, “Don’t worry. All will be well by the end of this month.”

While Baba was sitting outside relaxing, taking his sunbath on the 9th, he mentioned Jesus and the apostles to Adi Jr. and revealed to his brother, “Eruch is my Peter. Peter renounced Jesus, but Eruch will not renounce me.”

Before leaving, Adi Jr. wept. Baba called him to his room and asked the reason. “I feel that I will not see you again,” he said.

Baba replied, “Oh, I am not going to die. Still fourteen more years are there before I drop my body.” As mentioned, Baba had indicated before that he would live to be 90.

On another occasion, Baba remarked, “After breaking my silence, I will remain alive for fourteen years.”

Eruch rejoined, “By then we will all be old men!”

30 January 1969,

… The night of 30 January, Baba rested for four hours, sleeping for two and a half hours. At 3:45 A.M. he called Eruch, Pendu, Padri, Bhau and Goher. Repeated shocks made his body rise from the bed. All caught hold of his limbs, but the shocks were extremely violent. Baba had tremendous pain in his back, and he conveyed that it felt as if an electric current was passing through his body.

Age noted sadly, “The Avatar’s state was beyond imagination. With each shock, he was dedicating every part of his body to his lovers and to the universe — for the sake of the illusion that sustains the Reality — and thereby weakening maya’s forces.

Baba commented, “Maya is trying to kill me, but I will win!”

He also remarked, “This crucifixion will last seven days more and then take a turn for the better. I will be 100 percent free from my suffering after seven days.”

Baba turned on his side, and Eruch massaged him. Suddenly, Baba snapped his fingers. Eruch leaned over to read his gestures, and Baba’s hands motioned, “But I will return … I shall return.”

Eruch at first could not understand why Baba was saying this, but he then he remembered a story he had read to Baba about ten days before from the Gujarati newspaper Kaiser-i-Hind. The tale was about a Tibetan lama who was an abbot of a Buddhist monastery over 1,500 years ago. As the ancient tale has been passed down: one day the lama left his abode, telling his disciples he would return, but he never did. His followers and their generations after them were still waiting for his return by keeping his room in the monastery clean and intact, changing his sheets and pillows, keeping his water pots filled, expecting him to return at any moment.

Eruch asked, “Oh, you mean that abbot?”

Baba gestured, “Yes, the monk did not return, but I shall return.”

4 November 1952,

… Baba then mentioned different incidents in the lives of the past Avatars, which illustrated their sense of humor:

It is said that once Rasool-e-Khuda [the Messenger of God] felt indisposed, and someone suggested that it was due to an evil eye and that he should sleep on a pillow with an open knife underneath it. He did so, and thereafter declared himself to be all right. Call it ordinary or call it divine; it was Muhammad’s sense of humor.

It is a fact that during the childhood of his grandsons, Hasan and Hussain, the Prophet predicted the Moharrum Karbala [battle] to his daughter Fatima, the mother of the martyrs. Now, if the Prophet who, in fact, turned the then savages of Arabia into the torchbearers of faith, love and truth for the world did not even try to avoid the greatest tragedy in Islam, or to stop the most horrible end for his own and only two grandsons, that was only because of God’s divine sense of humor in Muhammad.

Likewise, the strife between the Kauravas and the Pandavas and the consequent bloodshed was not only due to the divine sense of humor in Krishna, but its height was reached when Krishna himself died through an arrow that accidentally struck one of his legs from the bow of an ordinary hunter who never had any intention of harming the Rangila [colorful, playful] Avatar in any way.

The kindhearted Jesus knew very well that his nearest disciple would betray him and thus lead to his crucifixion. But, because of the divine sense of humor, Christ could not help getting himself crucified, although the world rightly continues to look upon him as the Savior of humanity.

The funniest divine sense of humor was on the part of Buddha when he died of simple dysentery, though his “medicine” for the spiritual bimaries [illnesses] of mankind holds the field to this day.

In short, except for a change in the circumstances, the atmosphere and the surroundings, the same old, old story goes on repeating again and again, which by itself proves the divine sense of humor or the leela of God. The manifestation of the divine sport or leela, however, depends upon the Great Ones of God who achieve Oneness with God. And thus, in spite of raising themselves above the law of duality, they still retain the divine sense of humor to uphold the universal law of ignorance through which Knowledge Divine is achieved for all eternity.

Those who were with me at the spot at the time of my car accident in America can alone well describe my own sense of humor as to how thoroughly battered, bruised and literally helpless and hopeless I was when lying with broken bones in a pool of my own blood together with my dearest ones. Yet I maintained my silence and my consciousness throughout the crisis and the long period of convalescence.

Pointing to his ring finger, Baba remarked about masts, “Masts are jewels. They work for me and share my spiritual work. They are a great help to me. In April, they will be hailed for their work and help to me.”

16 November 1962,

… Baba then said:

From tomorrow, I will have to suffer a lot. Why and how can I suffer when I am the Ocean of Power, Knowledge and Bliss? God has infinite power, infinite knowledge, infinite bliss. The Avatar is God Himself incarnate on earth as man. During his ministry as the Avatar, he uses only infinite knowledge. He does not make use of his infinite power and infinite bliss. This is because God incarnates as man and goes through universal suffering and helplessness in order to emancipate mankind from its ignorance [and] its own suffering and helplessness.

If the Avatar were to use his infinite power, how could he experience helplessness? If the Avatar were to use his infinite bliss, how could he suffer? Therefore, he does not use either his infinite bliss or his infinite power. Such is his infinite love and compassion for creation!

Jesus Christ, who had infinite power, let himself become helpless and suffered the humiliation of letting the people beat him, spit on him and jeer at him. He suffered crucifixion on the cross, but he did not help himself with the power and bliss that were his. Instead, he cried out: “Father, why hast Thou forsaken me?” He said it to himself, of course, for he was one with God the Father.

Again and again, God takes human form to suffer for his creation. I am that One. Like you, I have a body and mind, and so I feel hunger and thirst, heat and cold, et cetera. But I also have the Universal Body and Universal Mind and, therefore, your individual suffering is nothing compared to my eternal, infinite universal suffering! I have infinite knowledge. I do not have to use my mind in order to know — I just know! I do use my infinite knowledge. But, although I have infinite bliss and infinite power, I do not use them. Were I to make use of the bliss that is at my beck and call, how could my suffering be suffering? And of what benefit would it be to mankind? I also do not use my infinite power. Were I to use it, how would I remain helpless? I remain infinitely helpless because, while having infinite power at my command, I do not use it. I shall use it only when I break my silence to give a universal spiritual awakening. And when I drop this body, I shall use my bliss for 700 years until my next advent.

Hold fast to me so that I will take you where I go; otherwise, you will be lost. I am the Emperor. If you belong to me, you will have access to the infinite treasure that is mine! But if, instead, you go after the guards and servants of the palace (saints and sadhus), it is sheer folly on your part!

I suffer mentally and physically. My mental suffering is more intense. I suffer spiritually because I see and feel myself bound in you by your ignorance, and so I suffer. Blessed is he who holds on firmly to my daaman! In no previous Avataric period have I disclosed these secrets, because the time was not right for it then. At present, science has advanced by leaps and bounds, the anti-God element is also at its maximum, and so why should not spirituality also be at its maximum?

… Christ knew he would be crucified and felt it. He was all bliss. His suffering was universal, but alongside, he was on all seven planes! It is the state of Perfect [Divine] Consciousness. So, Jesus felt the crucifixion on a lower state of consciousness. Always, he knew; still, he was waiting for it. He had warned his disciples about it.

8 September 1957,

… In response, Baba commented at length:

It is all for the best if that acceptance remains unshaken under all circumstances. The world, in general, accepts the existence of God, without caring much about the reasons for believing so. It is a fact also that there are a few in the world who do see God as He is to be seen, and fewer still who do know God as He really is to be known.

I have already warned you of the dark cloud that I clearly see hovering over me. I have been referring to it in one way or another for many years. In fact, only the shape of things changes every time I come, and that is why I say the same things again and again in different ways. At the time of Jesus, I uttered many warnings, yet none could grasp in advance about my crucifixion.

The dark cloud is very, very near to bursting, and I have to take the whole force of it upon myself. You can have no idea of what that will mean for me. It will be like hell itself bursting upon me on earth! Be resolved to hold fast to my daaman even when this cloud bursts. You will, thereby, share in my work.

Let me tell you the tale of the mast and the mullah [Muslim priest]. The mast, his consciousness focused upon the intimate nearness of his Beloved God, was virtually oblivious to everything else. The mullah, since he could not understand this mast’s state, would pester the mast with learned parroting, and eventually became so exasperated that one day he cursed the mast, saying that he would go to hell.

The mast happened to hear and understand exactly what had been said and retorted that the mullah’s heaven contained everything except God! But that since God was everywhere, he would be quite happy in hell, where he might share his Beloved’s sufferings.

Look at the weapons of destruction science has evolved. Nation accuses nation of preparations for war, and the world catastrophe might come without warning at any moment. World events reflect the results of my inner working. At the time of [Noah and] the flood, hell was let loose in the world. Scientists and statesmen now solemnly declare that if total war comes, the whole world may perish. They are just echoing me, but the whole world cannot perish because I have to come down again after 700 years.

March 1953,

… On the morning of the 21st, Baba revealed to the mandali and other disciples that whether the long-awaited end of material bondage and the beginning of spiritual freedom, which he had of late repeatedly emphasized as drawing near, came by the end of April 1953 or at some other time, there are four events which must come to pass before he finally drops his body. Four incidents were to occur as preordained by God. He explained:

It is an absolute certainty that before leaving my body I will have to face universal humiliation, apparent universal defeat and violent death, culminating in universal Divine Glory. By “violent death,” I mean that I will suffer great physical violence preceding the glorious victory of Divine Truth, and this violence endured by my body will ultimately be the cause of my physical death. The manifestation of the Divine Truth will go hand in hand with the breaking of my silence.

Let those sitting here with me today, and those away from me at this moment, beware and be ready. The time is close at hand — the moment has almost arrived when your sincerity and your utter surrender to your Master will be put to the extreme test. It is not I, personally, but circumstances that will test the extent of your self-dedication to me, your Master.

Baba further explained to the group that those who had adhered to him, and those who were at present with him, must be fully prepared for the necessary forthcoming humiliation, apparent utter defeat, and bodily violence, even at the cost of their lives:

On the other hand, humiliation, defeat and physical violence will not necessarily be encountered by all who are connected with me.

Those fortunate ones who will face these onslaughts unhesitatingly and bravely and withstand their tests unflinchingly will ultimately be co-sharers and inheritors of the divine glory. And those who will flee from these apparent but imperative calamities will testify by their own actions whether their surrender was sincere and wholehearted, or whether it was heavily encumbered by selfish motives.

20 May 1958,

… Baba reiterated how they must hang on to his daaman, and how difficult it would be: “If six cobras came into this room suddenly from out there, would you just sit still here with me? No, you would be flying out the doors and windows as fast as you could in sheer panic. You would forget all about Baba!

“Peter denied me when I was Jesus. The dark cloud of which I have been warning you is very, very near. It will happen suddenly, from an unexpected angle, just like I have mentioned the sudden onrush of the cobras. You will not expect it from such an angle, and you will feel justified in leaving me. Each will be tried by his own psychological weakness, but try to hang on.”

19 September 1954,

… A few more ghazal records were played. Baba interpreted the meanings:

O you who have arrived at the Goal and know the secret of God, see that you reveal the secret only to the select few.

Baba commented, “When Mansur said ‘I am God,’ the Muslims were infuriated and hanged him.”

O Mansur, even if you are hanged for having said you are one with Beloved God, do not reveal the secret.

O Shams-e-Tabriz, because you raised the dead and the Muslims skinned you alive, do not reveal the secret.

O lovers of God, do not let what is in your hearts come to your lips.

Remember, one who really loves God, God annihilates him. God mixes him with the dust.

Baba remarked, “And this was true of the apostles of Christ and the past Saviors.”

O Lover, beware, God tests you by being cruel, by giving you false hopes, even by cutting you to pieces.

Baba commented, “Hafiz says, The Master ties you fully dressed, hands and feet, unto a plank, throws you in mid-ocean, and says, ‘If you love me, let not one drop of water touch your clothes.’ Why does he do this? The answer is that which Peter the chief apostle was told: ‘You will deny me.’ Why? Jesus said it and had it done. Why? Jesus, in that way, took the whole burden of the world and made Peter share it.

“To love means to lose your whole self with all its paraphernalia. It means torture, pangs, longing, and if despite all this, one is firm in his love, he becomes one with the Beloved. What was the height of suffering to Peter? That he denied his beloved Master! This denial was to enable him to share the sufferings of Jesus.

The lover says that:

Now the effect of your love has so infinitely widened my vision that wherever I go, I see nothing but you.
I know, Beloved, I shall not be able to bear your glory.
Yet I am ready to die; show me your face.

One qawaali had these lines:

If you want to make me mad for you, do so;
but do not make me a laughing-stock.
O you people of the world, who think me mad
and throw stones at me,
if you were fortunate enough to have this love,
you also would be mad like me.
O you who talk of loving God,
you have to bow to Him as though at every step,
every particle of dust were a threshold to the Beloved.

A Persian record of Hafiz’s poetry was played, and Baba translated its meaning:

Do not procrastinate. Start to love from this very moment.
Do not forget the Beloved even for one instant.

Baba explained about Hafiz’s Master, Attar. He had long tresses of black hair, and Hafiz would comb his hair. The songs revealed what Hafiz said of him:

Do not let your hair flow freely,
As my heart receives an arrow from every hair.

Hafiz also said of Attar:

O Beloved Master! These tears that I shed
Are tears of blood so precious
That you should consider them as pearls
and wear them as earrings.

Also by Hafiz:

God says, O lover of mine, if you want to enter my lane,
First let your head roll under my feet and be kicked by me as a ball.
The lover replies: I have been killed by your love,
And yet, you cruel Beloved, you do not even glance at me.

After the music, Baba concluded, “So today, we have tried to love God, we talked of love and heard songs of love. I am the most busy in the world. I have to look after the details of these meetings and work on all planes. Yet, I am the most inactive one also.

“Today we resolve that we must love God at any cost. The most practical way to do it, I will tell you at the meeting.”

Baba watched them eat lunch and then walked down the hill to inspect the meeting preparations at lower Meherabad. He left for Meherazad at about 2:00 P.M.

18 September 1954,

… Some of the Western men did not especially care for the high-octave Latin music of Yma Sumac, but Baba stated, “As long as it goes to the highest and goes to the lowest, I like it. It reminds me of my original state. I feel happy.”

Another song by Yma Sumac followed, which Dana Field translated (from Spanish) as: “I love only Thee, I worship only Thee, to Thee only I surrender the key to my treasure.”

Baba commented: “He who could do this would know me.

“This reminds me, when I drop this body, which will come about through violence, not one will be near me at that time — none of my lovers, none of my mandali — only those who would kill this body. The circumstances will be so created that in the confusion Baba will not find one near him. Only afterward, they will flock around. It is staring me in the face. It might happen before the end of the year — my breaking the silence, dropping the body, and all this. In the meeting, I will speak at length about this.”

2 December 1956,

… At 5:15 P.M., almost directly opposite where they had played cricket, as Eruch was reading Baba’s gestures, the steering wheel suddenly and inexplicably went completely out of control. The car swerved, dashed against a stone culvert and landed eventually in a shallow ditch on the other side of it, pointing back towards Poona. All the men in the car, including Baba, were seriously injured. Baba was bathed in blood, his tongue was torn, his hip bone fractured, and he had abrasions on his forehead, nose, cheeks and legs.

Yet, at the time of the accident, when Vishnu saw Baba’s facial expression, he felt uplifted! Catching a glance of Baba’s bleeding face, Vishnu was overcome and saw Baba’s glorious Universal Body and a dazzling light on his face.

Vishnu later described it:

The whole thing happened in the flash of an eye. When I came to, I found I was the only one in the back of the car. I stepped out and went to the front to see how Baba was and saw him reclining in the front seat, with blood on his clothes and face. [Even though Baba was bleeding], never in my life have I seen such utter radiance and luster as was on Baba’s face then! He was like a king, a victorious king who had won a great battle. Lord Krishna must have looked like that in his chariot on the victorious battlefield. The radiance was blinding! I could see nothing else, not the car, nor the surroundings, only Baba’s face in glorious triumph!

After a few moments, Vishnu asked Baba if he was hurt much. Baba nodded, pointing to his mouth and leg, but gestured for Vishnu first to see how the others were. The sight had infused Vishnu with strength. Although one of his legs was injured near his knee, and he had facial cuts and a broken rib, Vishnu forgot the pain and began moving about trying to help the others. Eruch, Pendu and Nilu had been thrown out of the car. Nilu and Pendu were unconscious lying on the ground. Impact with stones from the culvert wall had caused severe internal injuries to Nilu; Pendu’s leg was broken. Eruch was conscious, but five of his ribs were fractured. Nevertheless, he managed with superhuman effort to stand up and lean against the car and talk to Baba.

The road was deserted of traffic and pedestrians. Three minutes after the accident, a young man, driving in the opposite direction, from Belgaum to Poona, saw the wreck and stopped his car. Vishnu and the young man lifted Baba into the man’s car. An open truck stopped, and Vishnu asked the Parsi driver to take Eruch, Pendu and Nilu to Rosewood, and he obliged. Vishnu then accompanied Baba in the car to Grafton.

When Baba arrived at Grafton, Mani rushed on her bicycle to get Don from Rosewood. Don came running and, with Goher, began treating Baba’s wounds. Mehera was beside herself with grief as she wiped the blood from Baba’s face. The other women, too, did their best to ease Baba’s suffering. But how could the Avatar’s suffering ever be eased? His comfort lay in his suffering, which he endured every second continuously and took upon himself for his divine work.

Age was grief-stricken, as it recorded this tragedy for posterity. “Not again!” it wailed. “O Bharat [India], did you also require the Avatar’s blood? America needed his blood and he shed it there in 1952. Now, he has shed it for India four years later!” Age repented for the world that the Merciful Beloved, who spilled his blood out of love and compassion, was yet to be recognized by mankind.

November 1944,

… The following day was supposed to be a day of rest for Baba, but people came to his residence in Dhantoli nevertheless and would not leave him until they had a few moments of his company. Baba graciously allowed them his darshan and casually chatted with them for a while. At three o’clock that afternoon, the members of the Meher Baba Reception Committee, who had arranged Baba’s program, were introduced to him, and a qawaali program was held in his presence with a few select ones.

Baba’s message on “two aspects of divinity” was delivered on this occasion by Ghani, an excerpt of which is as follows:

However dark the clouds and whatever may be the poignancy of pain and despair, one spiritual fact, embodying cheer and hope to suffering humanity, must not be lost sight of and which I am going to convey to you here today.

There are always two aspects of divinity perpetually and eternally active in the affairs of the world: the destructive aspect of divinity as expressed in Persian Shama-e-jalal, which means Self-glorification, and the constructive aspect of divinity called in Persian Shama-e-jamal, meaning Self-beatitude. This aspect of Self-glorification by God, when it gets palpably active, entails suffering and destruction on a colossal scale. The aspect of divine Self-beatitude, when it asserts itself, brings in its wake peace and plenty.

In the aspect of Self-glorification, divinity repels itself through its own creation; and in the aspect of Self-beatitude, divinity attracts or loves itself through its own creation. The former is a negative method and the latter a positive one. And both these methods ultimately are instruments of divine wisdom, to arouse humanity to the divine heritage, which is Self-Realization.

Further, both the aspects of God referred to not only affect humanity individually and collectively, but their intensity and force are directly in proportion to each other and they assert themselves in cyclic waves. Now that the destructive phase is about to weaken, the aspect of Divine Beatitude is nearly due to come into force; and to invite humanity to avail themselves of this blessedness to come is my divine mission in life.

Just as in the present world catastrophe, even the guilty and not guilty, the combatants and non-combatants, have suffered intensely physically and mentally, similarly, in the Self-beatitude aspect of God that is to be manifest in the near future, not only the deserving but the non-deserving as well, have as good a chance of being the recipients of Divine Grace, provided they are wide awake to the situation, which will be a cyclic dispensation, rare and unique.

My blessings to all those who have heard my message and those who have not.

November 1962,

… Mass darshan for the public was fixed at 2:00 P.M. on Sunday afternoon, 4 November 1962. Before this, only those with badges could attend the daily programs. Almost 6,000 Baba lovers were waiting inside the pandal to witness this maha (big) darshan. Crowds had begun collecting outside Guruprasad since 1:00 P.M. Baba came on the platform at 1:15 P.M., flashing the same enticing smile. His chair was moved to the edge of the dais so those in line could take his darshan in rapid succession while passing in front of him. A green pillow was placed under each arm and another pillow under his feet.

It was quite warm at the time and the Westerners were fanning themselves. Addressing them, Baba remarked humorously, “This heat is nothing. If you were inside the sun itself, that would not compare with the heat of divine love within the true lover of God. You call yourselves lovers, and you cannot bear this ordinary heat? God the Beloved does not allow one to use fans, but here Beloved Baba does permit you to have fans!”

Waves of laughter responded to Baba’s statement, and the attention of the crowd was focused on him.

The start of the day’s program commenced with Don Stevens reading the “Universal Message” over the microphone, which Baba had first given in Meherabad on 10 July 1958. Baba then addressed the audience:

Next year, I will not be available to anyone, either from the East or the West. I must prepare for the urge to break my silence. I have to break my silence and give my Word to the world. But I have not yet prepared myself for the urge to break my silence, and I must, because the burden of the universe is growing unbearable for me. I have been telling you all I will break my silence next year, but now next year means next year! For the first time, I take the responsibility of my own promise to you all! The silence can no longer prevent the utterance of the Original Word!

Baba’s declaration gave rise to a serious atmosphere in the pandal, during which he asked Harry Kenmore to recite the Prayer of Repentance. “You should all pay attention to this prayer in my presence,” Baba urged. “I want you to forget and forgive everything of the past and start a new chapter in life!”

Everyone stood as the prayer was recited. At its conclusion, Baba made a beautiful gesture as if taking away the load and burden of his lovers’ collective past. Then, for the first time in many years, he allowed the men mandali to come and place their forehead on his feet, one by one. Like others, when Bhau’s turn came to bow down, tears spontaneously welled up in his eyes. Baba had remarked he would open the gate of his Heart a little during this gathering and release some of his love, and this was the cause of Bhau’s tears

Baba announced, “If I finish giving my darshan to the public, you may all bow down to me. If not, you can all go home thinking you have taken my darshan, which you have had for the last four days.”

… While driving to Meherabad (on 5 February 1959), Baba referred to his two accidents. Baba revealed their purpose when he stated to Eruch: “I got my physical bones broken so as to break the backbone of the material aspect of the Machine Age, keeping intact its spiritual aspect.”

…There are millions and millions of holes in my body because of the suffering of the world. But because of my infinite bliss and power, I can withstand it.

Suppose you have a boil on your finger which is septic. You do not cut off the whole finger because of it! You bear it because the finger is part of your body. In the same way, I consider all as mine and I suffer, but I do not destroy myself and slaughter all. I put up with it and suffer because all are a part of my Universal Body.
– Meher Baba [6 March 1940]

… It is my life mission to remove the burden of mankind’s suffering. I have come for this. But really speaking, it is not the “work”, but the ignorance of people and their underlying indifference toward things spiritual that make me suffer.
– Meher Baba (July 1939)